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2023-12-31 - 5:41 p.m.

2023 is coming to an end! Let's reminisce a little about this year. I started off this year in Nicaragua. I was there from December 2022-April 5th 2023. I had a lot of fun during my time in Nicaragua. While I was there I really wanted to live it up as much as I could.. I met a lot of people and did a lot of bar hopping ! haha. I practiced a lot of Spanish and improved a great deal I would say.

Then I got back from Nicaragua and life became a boring lull. The writers and actors strike happened and I didn't get any auditions for months until a few weeks ago. So, any hopes of me booking anything substantial really went down the drain. However, I then traveled with my dad on a road trip/train trip to Oregon, Washington State, and Vancouver. And then we celebrated my sisters Masters graduation and mom's birthday in Arizona where we went UTV riding and gun shooting. That was so much fun!

This year I published my play "The Lies We Tell Them" on Amazon KDP. And I wrote and released my first Christmas song "Relive the Magic of Christmas". An original Christmas song.

So, there's a trend in my life of me putting out my work whether it makes an impact now or later but my artistic work is out there. The quarter of the year while I was in Nicaragua I got a decent amount of auditions and I'm proud of the work I've submitted to most of my auditions. It was tough because my mom had to be the one to help me with them and since there was no tripod she had to hold the camera and hold the script.. at times it was super hilarious. But, oh well it got submitted.

This year was a hard year coming back from Nicaragua and then realizing how expensive life is here in CA and not making as much money as I used to be making... then I got really out of shape as well.. Those were a few negatives of this year. I got into $5,000 of debt... $3,000 of that was having to hire a lawyer for some legal problem I'm dealing with and then aboout $1,450 was me putting my voice lessons on my credit card. I wanted to improve my voice.

Well, that's how my 2023 went... There were ups and downs but nothing really amazing happened this year. Well, except for living abroad for 4 months I think that had to be the highlight of this year. I want to go back to Nicaragua and stay for a month. Hopefully I can do it soon.

Anyway, here's to a better 2024!!


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