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2023-11-15 - 9:50 p.m.

I got a few things to update you on... Last week, I went on a road trip with my dad. We drove from Los Angeles to Vancouver, Canada. We spent 2 days in Canada and then we drove to Seattle where we spent 1 day there and took a train back to Los Angeles.

The trip was fun.. it was nice to be able to bond with my dad and create memories that will last a life time for me. In Seattle we saw some live improv and I think that for me was the most exciting part. I love watching theater and being able to experience their local theater scene was great.

Canada was nice as well.. I really enjoyed the city and I was able to have poutine again which is something I haven't been able to enjoy in Canada since I was last in Montreal in 2019. Which now seems like a different world ago.

Now, while we were traveling news broke that the SAG strike ended which was really great as the strike has been going on for over 118 days.. a few days after that I got my first audition post strike.. I got an audition for a co-star role on the tv show "SWAT". The script was only one line and I really tried to create the environment and the scene within the context of that one line.. so hopefully this breaks my 5 year no booking streak. Because I really need a job..

But, I also got an audition today through Morman/Bolling Casting which is an office that I've booked from before. So, I'm hoping that I can do this audition and book this indie film.

Either way it's just nice to be back in the swing of auditions again. The tough part is getting my hopes up to then be disappointed again and again by rejections. But, I know it's coming! I will keep the faith

Well, we see what happens.. oh and 9 more days until my new Christmas song is released!! So, I hope I find some success with that!

Ok, that's it for now.


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