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2022-04-10 - 2:08 a.m.

This week was a bit of a better week.. although I've been struggling money wise...things have been on a better path. I was able to get my car back from the shop finally which in and of itself is the best thing that happened this week. I thought I was going to have to deal with problems and fights with the mechanic...but much to my surprise it was without problems.

On Thursday, I acted in a short film. That was a really fun experience because it allowed me to get some of my acting tension released. I was able to create a character that was quirky, and crazy! The short is called "Piece of Meat". The character operated in the extreme ends of the emotional spectrum which was really run to play..completely crazy and bubbly and then completely angry and murderous. It was almost like an intensive acting class where I got to do some good character creating so it was a good time. I'm looking forward to seeing how the film comes together.

This morning (Saturday) I was invited to be on a podcast to discuss literature, authors and books. It was a fun time because I was able to discuss a pastime of mine that I enjoy..reading. I love to read! So, that was a fun time.

The other thing I was able to do today was to release my second YouTube video. I'm trying to put YouTube videos out weekly so that I can start growing my following and hopefully start making money through YouTube and maybe that will even direct some attention to my album and I can generate some money through that as well.

Well, that's it for now!


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