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2022-06-23 - 7:44 p.m.

As we begin the summer and arrive at the end of June what are some things I've been able to do.. well, I was able to stop drinking for 6 months.. I started again the first day of summer.. and I have to say I don't know if I enjoyed it as much as I thought I was going to.. yes I had fun going out bar hopping but then the next day contending with a hangover and sleeping til 4 wasn't great.. feeling sluggish and lazy and unmotivated wasn't fun.. and it just felt like I was going backwards instead of moving forward which is what I'm frustrated about.

I'm almost finished paying off my car I have $184 dollars left to pay it off and then I'm done!! It's been tough trying to pay off my car I've even had to stop investing for a few months in order to get it done.. the problem was that cash flow was a big problem this year... I didn't have as much money coming in as I have had since 2018. So, that's something I really need to figure out.. how do I increase my cash flow.

Still haven't booked a single new project or anything lately. It really sucks...I have two agents working for me on two parts of the country and I still haven't been able to book a single big project.. while other people I know are working as a recurring role on a tv show. When will it be my turn? I want to accomplish big things in life and not just be someone who will look back and be miserable for not being able to do what he set out to do.

Anyway, those are all the big announcements thus far.. I'll let you know if there is anything else.


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